Welcome to Kees Comics and Craft! Please check out my comic book stories, illustrations, photos, and some thoughts about films that have moved me over the years.
Despite their differences movies and comics both depend on the strange things our minds do when images are juxtaposed in time and space in a specific order. They invite us to construct narratives within ourselves. We stitch ideas and phenomena together to inject truth and meaning into stories and life. These art forms have the power to make us recognize our complicity in the process of creation/destruction. The best examples make us look at the gaps over which we leap in order to make sense of these stories that make up our world(s). They make us ask ourselves not only how we connect the dots but also why.
So here I am asking about the how and the why and sharing some of my results with you in the form of comic book stories, film essays, and more. My hope is that these explorations will help you appreciate the art of storytelling just a little bit more.